Getting Creative With Tightrope Impro Theatre
Next month – on Saturday May 27 – Delta Stageworks is hosting an improv class with Vancouver’s Tightrope Impro Theatre – a company that has been taking the craft of improvisation out to communities around the city for a few years.
We’re excited about bringing Tightrope to South Delta because one of the best things about improv – and a great reason to try it out if you haven’t done so before – is that it’s a lot about connecting with your fellow player in whatever imaginative game you’re playing. Making those connections with people feels fantastic – and combined with the laughs that improv games generate – it’s a totally feel good proposition for an afternoon.
Of course, I come across a lot of people who say that the thought of doing an improv class gives them a bad rash, and I think it’s probably the fear of our inner critic that’s at work when people say this. Everybody has one of these who sits in our head in judgement – and it’s often this critic that tells us we can’t/shouldn’t try something creative. “What if you can’t think of anything funny to say?” it demands. Ironically, doing improv can help you free yourself from that critic. You don’t have to be good at telling jokes or making people laugh to do improv, you just have to get in the pool and play.
The 3 hr class with Tightrope – being held that the Red Barn in Southlands, Tsawwassen – will also offer an opportunity for seasoned performers to work with one of the best improv theatre companies in Vancouver using some classic techniques and games developed by their friend and mentor Keith Johnstone of the UK.
Register for a spot in this class by clicking on the button on our landing page or the link here: