Heirlooms & Baggage (My Mother's Story)
From a series of writing and devised theatre workshops held over the past year, a new Delta Stageworks theatrical project has emerged, Heirlooms and Baggage, (My Mother’s Story), created by five Stageworks working collaboratively. The writing process has been led by Marilyn Norry (mymothersstory.org) while the devised theatre work has been led by Cory Haas.
The show involves the life stories of the actor/collaborators’ mothers – the triumphs and the tribulations – told in a devised-theatre storytelling technique that combines group movement, spoken text and images.
Premiered as a workshop production in February 2023, the show embraces the company’s commitment to foster diversity and inclusivity in our community; creating space for diverse voices and lived experiences.
Our show was featured in the news, check out the North Delta Reporter’s coverage of the show in the article linked here.
Building on the overwhelming positive response to the show from audiences, we will mount a full production of Heirlooms & Baggage (My Mother’s Story) in the fall of 2023!
“Absolutely fantastic show!!! Such talented story tellers. Enjoyed every minute of it. Thank You!“
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